Using Inquiry-Based Learning to Change the Way We Teach Math

The students who enjoy math are typically the ones who excel at it...and then there’s everyone else. For many students, math is intimidating and getting that one correct answer can feel overwhelming.

Incorporating Inquiry-based learning (IBL) into math class offers a different approach to solving math problems. It allows students to explore and ask questions, increasing student engagement and buy-in. IBL challenges students without watering down content. And with some tweaks, almost any math lesson can be supported through inquiry-based learning.

See how using IBL in math class can change how your students interact with the material. 

Grab a copy of our latest guide to discover: 

  • Insights into how IBL can change the way we teach and learn Math
  • A breakdown of the 5E+IA Modelan extension of IBL ideology
  • Real IBL strategies in action with examples from STEMscopes Math Curriculum















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